Summary: Accomplished communicator with extensive experience in online, traditional, and social media.
Skills include:
External Affairs Manager 2016-present, Somerville, MA
- Create and direct recruitment campaign that doubled stool donor applications using Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Google analytics, web content, public relations, and advertising.
- Develop and implement strategies for managing public engagement and media relations to support clinical and research partners. Write reports and press releases for clinical and lay audiences.
- Edit grant applications and treatment protocols.
Community Outreach Group for Landscape Design (COGdesign)
Executive Director 2015-Present, Somerville, MA
- Stabilized nonprofit in crisis by reducing administration costs by 30% by creating standard procedures for donor communications and project work and by planning and executing web, social media, and donor communications in-house. Planned and carried out all strategic initiatives including marketing, fundraising, and donor relations.
- Managed grants, donations, and office finances.
- Produced and spoke at outreach events.
Contract Internal Communications Specialist 2016, Cambridge, MA
- Wrote, edited, formatted, and published email newsletters, web text, and small- and large-scale graphics using Drupal and Adobe apps. Topics included information technology, green building initiatives, and genomics research.
Print and Web Editor 2003-2016, Belmont, MA
- Collaborated with Board to plan, write and edited bimonthly newsletter focused on preserving natural resources, energy efficiency, and urban infrastructure.
Recruited volunteer writers and copy editors.
Formatted and published newsletter using Adobe Creative Suite.
Created and maintained WordPress pages.
Reviewer 2013-2015, Lexington, MA
- Researched and wrote comprehensive reviews of product categories for consumer web site.
- Designed and carried out tests and product evaluations.
Web Designer and Tech Consultant 2010-2014, Lexington, MA
- Created web site for Follen Church using CSS, HTML, and WordPress templates.Trained staff and volunteer users to develop and maintain new pages. Wrote site text and created graphics using Adobe Photoshop.
- Performed usability testing for site.
- Conducted technical troubleshooting for staff and volunteers using WordPress, Facebook, Google Calendar, Bluehost webmail, and Mailchimp.
Editorial Consultant 2006-2010, Cambridge, MA
- Wrote text for streaming web videos of public lectures on science and the humanities.
- Created quiz questions, glossaries, and other supplementary text using Drupal.
- Conducted video interviews.
Writing Tutor and Trainer 1996-2001, New York, NY
- Conducted individual writing tutorials and led classes on business presentation skills.
- Edited manuscripts on a wide range of business topics in a fast-paced environment.
- Developed reference materials for management consultants on writing skills and effective graphics.
Follen Church Society 2007-Present, Lexington, MA
Committee Chair
Planned and executed events including East Village Fair (100+volunteers, netted $20K), parade march, and drafting five-year long-term plan. Chaired Nominating Committee.
Lexington Community Farm Coalition 2009-2010, Lexington, MA
Co-created organization that successfully preserved 7.5 acres of farmland. Organized and led public forums, petition drive, and public relations campaigns.
American Academy of Sciences 1998 Best Science Books for Junior High and High School Readers: Sigmund Freud, Explorer of the Unconscious.
Freud has been translated into seven languages.
Harvard University Cambridge, MA A.B. Psychology
Brown University Providence, RI Sc.M. Experimental Psychology
New England Wild Flower Society Framingham, MA Certificate in Field Botany
CSS, HTML, Drupal, WordPress, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Constant Contact, MailChimp, Filemaker Pro, MS Office, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Facebook Ads Manager